SYDNEY - [AAP] Fisher & Paykel Healthcare (ASX: FPH) has launched federal court proceedings against rival medical products manufacturer ResMed (ASX: RMD), alleging it has infringed four of its patents.

The two companies are currently engaged in patent proceedings in a number of different countries, including the United States and New Zealand.

Fisher & Paykel filed patent infringement proceedings in the Federal Court of Australia on Tuesday, alleging that some of RedMed's respiratory products, including AirSence 10 and Lumis non-invasive ventilators, infringe four of its patents.

The New Zealand-based company is seeking a range of compensation, including damages and injunctions preventing RedMed manufacturing and selling these products in Australia.

Fisher & Paykel in November won a patent case against RedMed when a UK court found that that single patent was invalid and ordered, subject to an appeal, that it be revoked in the UK.

Chief executive Lewis Gradon said Fisher & Paykel had made a considerable investment in research over the past 45 years and had built up a significant patent portfolio.

"We take the infringement of our intellectual property rights very seriously and we will continue to take whatever action is necessary to protect our investment," Mr Gradon said.

The company added that its earnings forecast for 2018 remained unchanged.


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