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Samantha Lamas

Samantha Lamas

is a Morningstar behavioural researcher

Tips to help you spend less (or more) in retirement
Tips to help you spend less (or more) in retirement
A change in mindset could set you on track for smarter retirement spending decisions.
The psychological shift from saving to spending in retirement
The psychological shift from saving to spending in retirement
Why do people have trouble shifting from a saving to spending mindset in retirement? Researchers have plenty of theories though can't identify an...
A key to surviving the global market selloff: be lazy
Personal Finance
A key to surviving the global market selloff: be lazy
If you feel the urge to take action during market volatility, try these approaches.
Your retirement checklist should go beyond finances
Your retirement checklist should go beyond finances
Retirement requires more than a financial plan.
Are you making these investing mistakes ahead of the 2024 election?
Personal Finance
Are you making these investing mistakes ahead of the 2024 election?
We’re all prone to cognitive biases when facing uncertainty.
What you can expect from a financial adviser
Personal Finance
What you can expect from a financial adviser
Things to consider as you hire, work with, and consider parting ways with a financial adviser.
Are you one of the 25% of retirees that spend too little money?
Are you one of the 25% of retirees that spend too little money?
The psychology of retirement income: From saving to spending. 
Does your financial plan fit your core values?
Personal Finance
Does your financial plan fit your core values?
It should, and here's how to find them
The key to personal financial planning: Being lazy
Personal Finance
The key to personal financial planning: Being lazy
There are benefits to following a simplified approach.
Why it’s important to retire with purpose
Why it’s important to retire with purpose
Retirement isn’t the freedom from work, but the freedom to do your life’s work.
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