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MARKET OUTLOOK News & Analysis

11 ASX stocks offering great value right now
11 ASX stocks offering great value right now
These high-quality companies are our top picks for investors wanting to boost their domestic exposure.
Mark LaMonica, CFA | 15 July 2024
Outlook 2024: How to take advantage of AI without valuation risk
Outlook 2024: How to take advantage of AI without valuation risk
Be smart about your exposure to AI and avoid overpriced assets
Shani Jayamanne | 04 December 2023
Is the market attractive right now?
Personal Finance
Is the market attractive right now?
Investors endlessly follow the gyrations of the market but often ignore valuation levels which drive returns over the long-term.
Mark LaMonica, CFA | 05 November 2023
Webinar: Investing in an uncertain world with Morningstar's Global Chief Investment Officer
Webinar: Investing in an uncertain world with Morningstar's Global Chief Investment Officer
Morningstar’s Global Chief Investment Officer, Dan Kemp, holds a LIVE webinar in Australia, exclusively for Morningstar Investor members. Gain... | 21 June 2023
Beware of the zombie: viability concerns for high-debt companies as rates rise
Beware of the zombie: viability concerns for high-debt companies as rates rise
Rising inflation has changed the game. So how will cash-burning companies stay alive?
Sarah Dowling | 24 February 2023
Analyst insights: the outlook for technology stocks
Analyst insights: the outlook for technology stocks
Morningstar's Roy van Keulen identifies the key theme for technology stocks in 2023, following a difficult year for the sector.
Roy van Keulen | 26 January 2023
Market outlook: Experts forecast stock and bond returns
Market outlook: Experts forecast stock and bond returns
Every firm in our survey expects non-US stocks to outperform US stocks in the decade ahead.
Christine Benz | 23 January 2023
Investing compass: 2023 state of the market
Investing compass: 2023 state of the market
We look at the state of the market entering 2023.
Shani Jayamanne | 17 January 2023
US stock market outlook for 2023
US stock market outlook for 2023
As the saying goes; when Wall Street sneezes, the world catches a cold. And the US is set up for near-term turbulence - but there are clearer skies...
Dave Sekera, CFA | 04 January 2023
Better investing opportunities coming your way in 2023
Better investing opportunities coming your way in 2023
5 new themes for portfolios, including bonds, China, and active management.
Sandy Ward | 03 January 2023