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MONEY TIPS News & Analysis

23 lessons about money and investing
Personal Finance
23 lessons about money and investing
Keeping up with the Joneses? Excited to invest in the next big thing? We unpack what investors should know about money and investing.
James Gruber | 19 May 2023
What our mums taught us about money
Personal Finance
What our mums taught us about money
We've surveyed Morningstar's editors and experts to ask them what their mothers taught them about money, and there are plenty of interesting and...
Larissa Fernand | 11 March 2022
Investing basics: Mental hacks to help you save money
Personal Finance
Investing basics: Mental hacks to help you save money
Take the pain out of spending less and saving more with these mental hacks.
Andrew Willis | 26 February 2021
Investing basics: How to teach kids about money
Personal Finance
Investing basics: How to teach kids about money
It's easy to say 'money doesn't grow on trees', but it isn't enough, writes Morningstar's Ruth Saldanha.
Ruth Saldanha | 17 September 2020
Smart shortcuts: What to do with 'found' money
Personal Finance
Smart shortcuts: What to do with 'found' money
Investing just a few seconds of effort to mentally reassign money to a different purpose can lead to healthier financial decisions.
Sarah Newcomb, Ph.D | 06 November 2019
Investing basics: pay yourself first - the simple money habit to grow your wealth
Personal Finance
Investing basics: pay yourself first - the simple money habit to grow your wealth
A little bit of planning can help you quickly and painlessly establish a nest egg.
Emma Rapaport | 07 June 2019