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House prices set to run as inequality grows
House prices set to run as inequality grows
Lower interest rates increase housing wealth inequality while higher rates do the opposite, according to new RBA research.
Nicki Bourlioufas | 02 March 2020
Even I get scared in volatile markets, says Asia guru
Even I get scared in volatile markets, says Asia guru
Concerns about a trade war are justified, but investors should stay the course or they risk missing the recovery, says Aberdeen Standard's veteran...
Emma Wall | 04 October 2018
Wealth jumps, but property correction could hurt
Wealth jumps, but property correction could hurt
Australian household wealth hit a record high in the June 2018 quarter, boosted by higher share prices and despite falls in house prices, although a...
Nicki Bourlioufas | 04 October 2018
A recipe for better investment predictions
A recipe for better investment predictions
An understanding of inside and outside forecasting and the intrinsic fees-performance connection are among the powerful investor lessons of...
Ben Johnson, CFA | 05 September 2018