BetaShares Geared Australian Equity ETF


BetaShares Geared Australian Equity ETF GEAR Strategy

The fund will seek to achieve this objective by combining application money from investors with borrowed funds, and investing the proceeds in a broadly diversified share portfolio generally consisting of approximately 200 of the largest equity security on the ASX, weighted by their market capitalisation.
The investment objective & strategy is a summary of the investment's principal strategy as written in the prospectus. This information is pulled from the most recent product disclosure document.

BetaShares Geared Australian Equity ETF News & Analysis


The promise and perils of geared ETFs

Many investors don't understand how a geared ETF works and may be disappointed by the results. 

Should I lever up?

The role of borrowing in an investment portfolio, and products that offer it.

A warning to coronavirus ‘day traders’ out for a quick kill

A disturbing number of Australian investors are trying their hand at day-trading during the lockdown. The problem is they're not very good at it.

Morningstar Investment Ideas


Last price
% Change
All Ordinaries8,780.304.80-0.05%
CAC 407,973.0334.59-0.43%
DAX 4021,787.00115.42-0.53%
Dow JONES (US)44,303.40444.23-0.99%
FTSE 1008,700.5326.75-0.31%
Nikkei 22538,787.02279.51-0.72%
NZX 50 Index12,902.1957.600.45%
S&P 5006,025.9957.58-0.95%
S&P/ASX 2008,511.409.30-0.11%
SSE Composite Index3,303.6733.011.01%

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