Vanguard Global Aggregate Bd Hdg ETF


Vanguard Global Aggregate Bd Hdg ETF VBND Strategy

The Fund aims to hold an appropriate number of securities so as to produce a portfolio risk exposure profile consistent with that of the index. This is achieved by holding a representative sample of securities included in the index or securities that provide similar characteristics to those securities in the index. Security weightings in the Fund may vary from the index weightings.
The investment objective & strategy is a summary of the investment's principal strategy as written in the prospectus. This information is pulled from the most recent product disclosure document.

Vanguard Global Aggregate Bd Hdg ETF News & Analysis


5 of the best ASX listed ETFs

These passive ETFs earn our highest ratings and provide access to major asset classes that make up a diversified portfolio.

Building a 3 ETF portfolio

John Bogle famously advocated a two-fund portfolio of US stocks and bonds. Recently, I tried to create an Australian version of the Bogle portfolio and found that what seems simple can quickly turn complicated.

Bonds are back? Not so fast

Interest rates are higher but for individual investors there is a case to be made that alternatives including dividend paying shares are still more attractive over the long-term.

Morningstar Investment Ideas


Last price
% Change
All Ordinaries8,780.304.80-0.05%
CAC 407,973.0334.59-0.43%
DAX 4021,787.00115.42-0.53%
Dow JONES (US)44,303.40444.23-0.99%
FTSE 1008,700.5326.75-0.31%
Nikkei 22538,787.02279.51-0.72%
NZX 50 Index12,902.1957.600.45%
S&P 5006,025.9957.58-0.95%
S&P/ASX 2008,511.409.30-0.11%
SSE Composite Index3,303.6733.011.01%

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