Hejaz Equities ETF
Hejaz Equities ETF ISLM Strategy
To achieve a (total) return at least equal to movements in the Benchmark over a rolling 5 to 7-year timeframe through exposure to a diversified equities portfolio of Sharia Compliant investments.
The investment objective & strategy is a summary of the investment's principal strategy as written in the prospectus. This information is pulled from the most recent product disclosure document.
Morningstar Investment Ideas
Index | Last price | Change | % Change |
All Ordinaries | 8,456.00 | 68.20 | 0.81% |
CAC 40 | 7,496.92 | 89.77 | 1.21% |
DAX 40 | 19,380.54 | 124.27 | 0.65% |
Dow JONES (US) | 42,221.88 | 427.28 | 1.02% |
FTSE 100 | 8,261.86 | 89.47 | 1.09% |
HKSE | 20,538.38 | 468.59 | -2.23% |
NASDAQ | 18,439.17 | 259.19 | 1.43% |
Nikkei 225 | 39,480.67 | 1,005.77 | 2.61% |
NZX 50 Index | 12,649.17 | 9.13 | -0.07% |
S&P 500 | 5,782.76 | 70.07 | 1.23% |
S&P/ASX 200 | 8,199.50 | 67.70 | 0.83% |
SSE Composite Index | 3,383.81 | 3.18 | -0.09% |