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Personal Finance News

Should you pay off your mortgage or invest?
Our free tool can help investors decide if they should pay off their mortgage or invest.

Mark's top 10 holdings

We run through Mark's top ten holdings, how they fit into his investment strategy and when to sell shares.

What is your personal inflation rate?

A free personal inflation calculator to ensure you are accurately planning for your future

4 income investing mistakes

Avoiding these mistakes will increase your chances of success as an income investor. 

What did Morningstar subscribers buy and sell during April?

Investors showed interest in a stock that has reached a yield of 5% and is fully franked.

Are retirement assumptions about home ownership fundamentally flawed?

We’ve assumed that people will enter retirement owning their home outright. Given increases in home prices is this a reality anymore?

Beat the market by changing how you invest

We talk about how to have an advantage when investing.

How to define an investment strategy

Designing an investment strategy can be an expensive endeavour. Here is how to create one yourself.

Are you too focused on investing?

Some of the best financial decisions you can make have nothing to do with markets.

This week’s best investing insights

Stay up to date with our best investment opportunities and insights on investing.

How to build wealth with income investing

And why the arguments against income investing don't stack up.

Tax implications when investing in overseas shares and ETFs

A significant factor that determines an investor’s total return outcome is tax. We outline some general rules for how tax may work with foreign investments.

Christmas gifts for investors 2023

Our yearly episode of Christmas gift ideas for investors.

Why I am an income investor

The critiques of dividend investing don’t hold up to scrutiny.

Current opportunities

Our guest Dan Kemp who runs Morningstar's global investment management team shares thoughts on current opportunities.

Is quality investing for you?

The signs of a quality investment and the investors it may suit
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