BRISBANE - [AAP] Shares in logistics software group GetSwift (ASX: GSW) have continued to rally after the company updated the market on its deal with online retail giant Amazon.

GetSwift's shares were up 58 cents, or 16.1 per cent, at $4.18 by 1103 AEDT on Monday after having soared 84 per cent to $3.60 on Friday morning on news it had struck deals with two major US retailers--Amazon and fast food group Yum!

The company's shares were suspended for trade shortly before 11am AEDT on Friday on the request of the ASX for more information around the Amazon deal.

The company's update released late on Friday, while light on, says GetSwift has signed a global master services agreement with Amazon.

"Due to the terms of the agreement, the number of deliveries this agreement may generate is currently not determinable," it said.

The company on Friday also revealed it had struck a global multi-year partnership with Yum!, which operates Taco Bell, KFC and Pizza Hut brands.

This partnership is estimated to result in more than 250 million deliveries a year from GetSwift's logistics platform.

The company, which has offices in New York, Melbourne and Sydney, was founded by former Melbourne AFL player Joel Macdonald in 2015 out of a previous business he had set up--liquor delivery company Liquorun.


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