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Retirement News

Morningstar retirement bootcamp
Morningstar’s retirement bootcamp is designed to help people still in the workforce and already retired address challenges and achieve the best retirement outcomes.

Why the Government will continue to target super and the pension

An aging population will drive policy decisions. 

How super members can avoid missing out on tax deductions

Claiming a tax deduction for personal super contributions can end in disappointment if it isn't done correctly. Julie Steed looks at common pitfalls and what is required for a successful claim.

Are you paying tax due to not starting a super pension?

Pension payments in super after the age of 60 are tax free and anyone over 65 can switch their super into a pension account even if they do not change their employment. Why do so many continue paying 15% tax?

Is this a safe way to get higher returns in retirement?

Conventional wisdom tells retirees to seek safety with a conservative asset allocation in retirement. Is there a better way?

18 rules for ageing well

The rules to age successfully include, 'the unexamined life lasts longer', 'change no more than one-eighth of your life at a time', 'nobody is thinking about you', and 'pursue virtue but don’t sweat it'.

The top shares of Australia’s best performing super funds

And our equity analysts’ outlook for the stocks.

2 charts to explain the trade-offs in retirement planning

Investors may need a shift in mindset as retirement approaches but there are ways to structure a portfolio to improve retirement outcomes.

The ATO has SMSF asset valuations in its crosshairs

SMSF trustees need to ensure they value their assets at least annually and that those valuations are fair and reasonable, based on objective and supportable data. The ATO is particularly concerned with unlisted assets such as real estate.

10 principles for staying vital, happy and sharp as you age

Insights from US-based scientist, John Medina, who specialises in human brain development and the genetics of psychiatric disorders.

Finding joy in retirement

Retirement can last more than 30 years, necessitating thoughtful planning. Many miss workplace friendships, identity, status, expertise, and routine, but these can be replaced with renewed activities and purpose.

The ultimate superannuation EOFY checklist 2024

We're nearing the end of the financial year and it's time for SMSFs and other super funds to make the most of the strategies available to them. Here's a 24-point checklist of the most important issues to address.

The psychological shift from saving to spending in retirement

Why do people have trouble shifting from a saving to spending mindset in retirement? Researchers have plenty of theories though can't identify an exact cause, nevertheless there are things that can enable the shift.

Lessons from a ‘faux-tirement’

A six-week break from work brings insights into retirement and life.

Clearing up confusion on the $3 million super tax

There seems to be more confusion than clarity about the mechanics of how the new $3 million super tax is supposed to work. Here is an attempt to answer some of the questions from my previous work on the issue.

Why you shouldn't wait until 35 to take your super seriously

A recent Rainmaker study concludes that the best time to start taking super seriously is in your mid-thirties. I don't agree. 
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