Vanguard MSCI Intl ETF


Vanguard MSCI Intl ETF VGS Strategy

The Vanguard Index International Shares Fund gains its exposure to securities in the index by investing in the Vanguard International Shares Index Fund (Underlying Fund). The Fund is exposed to all of the securities in the index most of time, allowing for individual security weightings to vary marginally from the index from time to time. The Fund may be exposed to securities that have been removed from or are expected to be included in the index.
The investment objective & strategy is a summary of the investment's principal strategy as written in the prospectus. This information is pulled from the most recent product disclosure document.

Vanguard MSCI Intl ETF News & Analysis


What did Morningstar subscribers buy and sell during January?

And what do our analysts think of the investments?

Future Focus: Read this before you pick an ETF

I run through the considerations for picking an ETF for your portfolio. 

How to invest with a couple of dollars

The investment products allowing you to invest with small amounts, with no brokerage or additional investment fees.

Morningstar Investment Ideas


Last price
% Change
All Ordinaries8,780.304.80-0.05%
CAC 407,973.0334.59-0.43%
DAX 4021,787.00115.42-0.53%
Dow JONES (US)44,303.40444.23-0.99%
FTSE 1008,700.5326.75-0.31%
Nikkei 22538,787.02279.51-0.72%
NZX 50 Index12,902.1957.600.45%
S&P 5006,025.9957.58-0.95%
S&P/ASX 2008,511.409.30-0.11%
SSE Composite Index3,303.6733.011.01%

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