Affluence Investment Fund


Affluence Investment Fund AFX0001AU Strategy

The Fund aims to deliver above average results, but in a very different way to a traditional investment fund. We seek to invest with 20 to 35 Underlying Managers across all asset classes, predominantly through unlisted managed funds, in a way which we believe balances maximum returns with low volatility.
The investment objective & strategy is a summary of the investment's principal strategy as written in the prospectus. This information is pulled from the most recent product disclosure document.

Funds News & Analysis


Why small caps could shine bright in 2025?

Small caps are currently trading at a substantial discount compared with their large-cap counterparts.

KiwiSaver Survey | December Quarter 2024

The final quarter of 2024 presented a mixed bag for the New Zealand economy. While some indicators pointed towards a potential upswing, others suggested continued headwinds.

Future Focus: Why I use managed funds

Investing is about figuring out what works for you. Managed funds solve the right problems for me.

Morningstar Investment Ideas


Last price
% Change
All Ordinaries8,811.9013.20-0.15%
CAC 408,188.5710.030.12%
DAX 4022,761.24247.821.10%
Dow JONES (US)44,546.08165.35-0.37%
FTSE 1008,753.4821.020.24%
Nikkei 22539,174.2524.820.06%
NZX 50 Index13,068.9379.750.61%
S&P 5006,114.630.44-0.01%
S&P/ASX 2008,537.1018.70-0.22%
SSE Composite Index3,355.839.110.27%

Market Movers